East Sussex County Council
completed 2014
Seaford’s new library provides the community with an expanded and much-improved library service. At the same time East Sussex County Council were seeking to relocate the Adult Social Care Service and amalgamate this into one new, shared facility.
The aims and aspirations for the project were defined through our extensive stakeholder and public consultation, coupled with research into best practice for 21st Century Libraries capturing emerging ideas of library functions, service and design.
In addition to modern, light and spacious new library facilities, our finished design comprises nine supported accommodation residential units for people with learning difficulties (to be managed by Weald Housing Association); a number of spaces available for hire to local interest groups and clubs; a café and roof gardens providing valuable outside social space.
Our bold design responds to the town centre setting, while the building scale remains sympathetic to the local context. Warwick House opened its doors to the public in October 2014.