Silver End Primary School


Essex County Council


650m² extensions plus 375m² refurbishment




completed October 2015

Silver End Primary School

Silver End is well known model village, built by Crittal, and the original village (within which the primary school sits) is designated as a Conservation Area. Since its completion in 1929 the School has significantly increased in size, with major additions in 1979 and 1996, so that only the main, front elevation, remains in view. In 2014 Essex County Council decided to extend the school further, increasing pupil numbers from 330 to 420, to meet existing local demand for primary school places. 

The additional accommodation provided includes an extension incorporating 4 classrooms, 3 Group rooms, an office for 3 staff members and a small meeting room for visiting parents. In addition the existing hall has been doubled in size and additional storage provided. Some internal remodelling has also been undertaken, including an extension and complete refurbishment of the kitchens, and converting the original 1928 hall into a new classroom.

The form, layout and materials of the new single storey classroom and hall extensions follow the principles set by the existing buildings. Roof pitches follow the vernacular pattern, and the roof tiles and the bricks have been chosen to blend in with existing materials. 

The project was delivered through Smarte East with Kier Construction.

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